Windows 2003 Server

Wed May 14 10:06:11 PDT 2003
I installed windows 2003 server in vmware yesterday.

Installation was fairly painless. 

I like the fact that when you shut it down, it prompts you for
the reason for the shutdown...

So, I try to connect to a share which has vnc on it, and the
response is "The drive could not be mapped because no network was found"
Fricking Microsoft has to work on their error messages. How
about "no such network name, 'space'".

Ok, so I'll grab the software via ftp... dammit, ftp is shutoff
on my software server, so I'll have to download putty and pscp
via http through the browser, then use that to grab vnc.

So, I mistype the URL, and internet explorer takes
me to, then responds with: is not trusted by Internet Explorer.

Great! Microsoft doesn't trust their own sites.....

I guess this makes sense - it is a server. Shouldn't probably
allow surfing.

Wed May 21 13:21:49 PDT 2003
	-ok, I've installed vnc, and now I can manage the system.
It was a total PITA to get this installed because of all
the security and stuff.

Wed May 21 13:25:55 PDT 2003
Anyway, I went to the services tab, and they don't install
snmp by default - Hello? This is the industry standard for

Um, you know what I just realized? I believe that posting
this summary violates the EULA. I don't think I can legally
disclose any experiences that I had with windows. I believe
the EULA says that I can't disclose benchmarks. There
are no actual numbers in here, so its probably ok.