Deploying Postfix

Copyright 2003 Andy Barclay
OpenContent License (OPL)

Written: Wed May 21 22:23:46 PDT 2003
Download imap.tar.Z from

Extract the tarball. Should be version imap-2002c1 or later

SSL support is now turned on by default AND plaintext logins
over non-secure ports are prevented. This is an IESG thing.

$ make gso 

create a solaris package, UPimap, containing the files:

install the package
-this updates /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf automatically

Alternatively, you could just copy in the executables and update
the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services manually

# added by UPimap
pop2    109/tcp pop-2 postoffice  # POP version 2
pop3    110/tcp pop-3    # POP version 3 
pop3s   995/tcp # POP3 over SSL
imap    143/tcp # IMAP
imaps   993/tcp # IMAP over SSL

# AWB - note that non SSL, plaintext logins are forbidden by IESG
# might as well not even list them here so they are commented
#pop   stream   tcp   nowait   root  /usr/local/bin/ipop2d   ipop2d
#pop3  stream   tcp   nowait   root  /usr/local/bin/ipop3d   ipop3d
#imap  stream   tcp   nowait   root  /usr/local/bin/imapd imapd
pop3s stream   tcp   nowait   root  /usr/local/bin/ipop3d   ipop3d
imaps stream   tcp   nowait   root  /usr/local/bin/imapd imapd

Given the fact that non-SSL, plaintext logins are forbidden, you
MUST generate keys for imap and pop, placing them in pem format
in /usr/local/ssl/certs.

eupeptic/usr/local/ssl/certs$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-------   1 root     staff       2168 May 27  2002 imapd.pem
-rw-------   1 root     other       2168 May 21 21:07 ipop3d.pem

The method used to generate the keys is outlined in the sendmail